Well Built Humans Podcast

Episode #6: Discipline

Brandon Season 1 Episode 6

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Despite all the ever-changing "shiny things" in the world that are promoted in our culture, what isn't celebrated or taught/encouraged enough is the art of discipline, or the art of "doing something you don't want to do in order to get a result you do want to have." Everybody wants to just do, be, and have whatever it is that they want without having to do the hard stuff. You see, the hard stuff is where people grow, learn, and mature. No discipline, no maturity. No discipline, no growth. Watch what happens to those who win the lottery who are without discipline. The story doesn't end well for them. The story always ends well with those who become disciplined.

Listen in for more dialogue on the topic of discipline.

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Well Built Humans Coaching: www.wellbuilthumans.com
Well Built Supplements: www.wellbuiltsupplements.com
Well Built Kettlebells: www.wellbuiltkettlebells.com
Flanouflage: www.flanouflage.com