Well Built Humans Podcast

Episode #7: A Hunting Story and Why Fitness Matters

Brandon Season 1 Episode 7

Sponsored By:
Well Built Supplements
Well Built Kettlebells

In this episode we discuss briefly why fitness matters in your recreation, and why at least part of your recreation should be somewhat physical. This will benefit you greatly, and I talk about how my fitness mattered a great deal recently while hunting in Nebraska with a good buddie also named Brandon.

Enjoy the story. Better yet, don't be lazy.

This episode was brought to you by The Well Built Humans brands and sister companies:

Well Built Humans Coaching: www.wellbuilthumans.com
Well Built Supplements: www.wellbuiltsupplements.com
Well Built Kettlebells: www.wellbuiltkettlebells.com
Flanouflage: www.flanouflage.com